Friday, December 01, 2006

It's Getting Chilly. Blast From The Past

Well boys and girls it's getting cold again and it's time for all you winter walkers to dust off the ica axe and crampons. I enjoy the odd winter walk myself and have been looking out some of my old snaps with a winter theme.

This is a nice one, REALLY freezing but crisp and clear. This was the cold winter when lots of people suffered burst pipes. I think it was 1996 ?
From Winter Walking

This was that very same day.
From Winter Walking

From Winter Walking

Now a nice day in the Fannichs
From Winter Walking

Ben Alligin
From Winter Walking

Now for some nastier weather

This was on A Chralaig,
From Winter Walking

And this is shortly before we turned back due to poor vis and several more pinnacles !
From Winter Walking

And now the 'What the hell are we doing out in this' photo's.

It's cold...
From Winter Walking

Too bloody right it's cold.
From Winter Walking

So have fun and be safe out there. Don't be afraid to turn back or even not to start out on a hill, use your loaf and live to walk another day.
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