Monday, September 05, 2011

Getting up and running. Shooting.

Had no lucvk with the first scope I bought, it originally went on the rifle we found in the garage but whilst zeroing the rifle fell off the rest and landed on the scope disabling the vertical adjustmnent.

Another one was purchased and the zeroing took place.

As you can see, I went with the AA Diablo Field pellets after trying two other types.

Happy with the accuracy it was time to venture out. When I eventually found where the rabbits live I managed to get one with a 25m standing shot.

You can see that I've 'camo taped' the moderator and some of the barrel, this is to hide it from the pigeon and it helps to soften the report.
Yes the sound moderator or silencer does make a huge difference on this rifle.

Other helpful accessories have to include a pair of homemade shooting sticks.

Full instructions on how to make them HERE.

The hits just keep on coming with this very useful little .177 rifle.

 I will discuss firing at different distances using the mil dot reticle in another post, but 45m kills are easily achievable and on one occasion under special circumstances a 63m one !
My current vermin totals so far...
 31 Feral Pigeon 5 Wood Pigeon 47 Rabbits 1 Corvids

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