I had lined up a possible purchase and made the deal a day after receiving the cert.
It's a Sako Varmint Finnfire .22 rimfire rifle.
Once again I began the task of selecting the correct ammo for the rifle. I wanted to choose subsonic hollow point ammunition so that it was more suited to hunting.
After grouping trials and the CCI's almost not fitting in the rifle I decided on the RWS ammo.
It produced this little group on the right at 50m.
My son and I went lamping that night and took an unfortunate bunny at our zero range 50m.
I also managed a crow at 104m !
Two weeks later I acted on an advert at the local club and bought two second hand guns, another .22 rimfire in the shape of a BSA Sportsman 5, and a Francais d' Armes 12 gauge shotgun.
More about them in my next post :)