The next Trail centre we tried was Ae.
All the kids went with us on this one so we had a go at the Green route. It was very nice and all the kids seemed to enjoy it. Sol also got to go on the Blue route with Saunders, Jean and I but as explained on the website it's just the green route with some forestry road added in, very disappointing.
Saunders and I had a go at the Red route, at 24 Km with lots of ups and downs it was quite demanding, but it was also quite boring and annoying.
No section of the trail got a laugh out of me like many other parts of other trails have. A lot of the trail, in particular Granny Green Luv, is extremely rough aggregate in a twisty line through the woods and that's it !
There were detour signs which took us up through a barely walkable and extremely muddy hillside.
The occassional nice view.
An more mechanical mishaps when my crank fell off, probably due to the annoying trail surface.
We eventually reached a massive heed which was quite impressive and then entered Omega Man which was supposed to be good but was too little too late.
Ae gets 5/10
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