On the Saturday, Saunders and I drove along to Laggan Wolftrax.
This is so far the most southerly trail centre we have tried. We started out on the red route, shortly after the top I got a puncture ! The slime was in tube on the other bike not this one !
The rest of the route was quite nice, oh Air's Rock I hear you say. Well my advice is to do what we did. DO NOT STOP AT THE TOP. Keep rolling and you will do it no bother.
We did it once and then cycled back up and did that whole section again, this time we filmed ourselves going down the slab.
We then had a spot of lunch at the cafe topped up the fluids and cycled back up the to the top.
This time we descended the black route. Wow there's a lot of stone features on this one. POP another puncture for me.
A lot of warning signs before each part but the only one I saw was a skull and crossbones one near the bottom. Saunders tackled everything I think whereas I missed a few jumps on the start of the red as the bike felt funny ( the tyre was rapidly deflating ). I also missed a small part of a section on the black route as I had stopped at the top of it.
There is a good section of 'north shore' through the woods which leads to the Fun Park section with berms and tabletops a nice fast section which takes you back to the start point.
All in all quite a good trail centre, I would definitely go back again.